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Join the Team – Nurse

Checkpoint Canarias are seeking a nursing graduate to join our team. 16h/week part time. Salary iaw the Convention on Social Action and Intervention.

For more detailed information contact us.

(NB candidates must have a Spanish nursing qualification or another one homologated and accepted by the Spanish authorities and colleges of nursing and the right to work in Spain).

Jason Harrod – In Memoriam

The association would like to publicly acknowledge the support shown to us by the late Jason Harrod.

He gave his time free of charge for graphic design work seen in our website, clothing, posters and other materials.

We remain in his debt and would like to thank his friends for the kind donation made to us in his memory.

RIP Jason.

Data Protection

The association is pleased to be able to advise that we’ve achieved the necessary assessment and administrative work to be able to assure our membership and supporters that we fuly comply with EU and Spanish data protection legislation.

chemsex Study

We are contributing to a study of the “chemSex” phenomenon convened by the Fundación Canaria Yrichen.

The consultants are requesting the participation of our collective.

Are you the owner of a leisure site or sex venue? Are you a “chems” user or do you practice chemsex? Do you have opinions on the subject, or experience of chemsex parties or chills being a user or not?

You can get involved anonymously by questionnaire or by videoconference or phone call, preferably in Spanish but no one is excluded. checkpoint can act as an intermediary to maintain anonymity or we can put you in direct contact.

Send us an email: chemsex@checkpointcanarias.com or call us: 828 6 43210.

Injectable HIV Treatment Arrives in the Canaries

The innovative therapy is long acting and consists of two medications, cabotegravir and rilpivirina.

Read more (in Spanish) …


Do you want to make some life changes? To your drug use? To your sex life?

Rapid HIV Tests

Do you know your HIV status? Do a rapid test!