Legacies & Inheritance

You have the possibility of including ABSICAN in your will so that we can continue in our mission, even when you are no longer here.
Thanks to these inheritances and legacies we will be able to develop new projects and campaigns that otherwise would never have seen the light of day, since ABSICAN is an independent non-profit organization, which relies on donations from its members and supporters.


Because you have the right to decide the future destination of your assets when you are no longer here. Because making a will is the best way to make your wishes come true and ensure that your assets go to the people or organizations you love. Because if you die without leaving a will, the law will dispose of your assets without counting on your will.

The will is the place to take the necessary measures in favor of your partner, family and friends, but it is also the place where you can allocate part of your inheritance to the purpose or project of your choice.
Making a will is something very simple, but it is important that you inform yourself well beforehand. To receive more information on how to leave a legacy or an inheritance to ABSICAN, you can download a detailed PDF guide with all the information you need to know.

Download the guide (in Spanish) here:

Guía de legados (919 downloads )

If you prefer, you can contact our secretary directly and ask any questions by requesting an appointment at secretario@checkpointcanarias.com.

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay