
What is ChemSex?

It is the intentional use of drugs (substances) to have sex over a long period of time (from several hours to several days) among gay men, bisexual men, other men who have sex with men (MSM) and more recently, people with other identities sexual (trans women, non-binary people, queer…). Some terms that are used colloquially are: session, chill, etc.

Where is ChemSex practiced?

Both at sex parties in private homes and in commercial sex venues (saunas, rental flats or sex clubs) and in cruising areas.

How is ChemSex practiced?

Consumption can be solo (for example, virtually: watching porn or chatting on live camera), one on one, threesomes or group sex (this implies that it can be between groups of friends, in open or closed relationships, with sexual partners and/or with strangers). In addition, the use of contact pages, mobile applications and WhatsApp is very frequent.

Where do I find more information?

For now we’re pointing you to this website for more information in Spanish or here in English. For support in Spanish or English see our page here.